Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Midnight Scones

Ntah kenapa sering juga baru muncul niatnya buat bikin kue malem-malem, jam 10-11an, makanya judulnya jadi Midnight Scones hehe... Gw juga pernah bikin Apple Pie jam 11 malem, baru selesai jam 2 pagi... ~.~
Scones! Pertama kali makan yg dibeli di Tous les Jours, ternyata enak juga! Akhirnya nyoba buat bikin sendiri. Ternyata simple bgt bikinnya, gak nyampe 1 jam kayaknya. Tapi suka lupaa buat ngoles telurnya sebelum dipanggang. Biasanya udah masuk oven baru inget, akhirnya dikeluarin lagi deh, ngoles, baru dimasukin lagi ~.~ 

Buat scones ini, di resep aslinya sih pake kismis, tapi karna gw gak terlalu suka kismis, jadi gw ganti pake dried cranberry, yang gw cemilin ampe akhirnya tinggal dikit bgt yg dipake buat bikin scones ini hahahaa
Rasanya? Creamy susu bgt! Gak terlalu manis, katanya sih enak dimakan pake selai atau clotted cream. Bagian luarnya renyah kayak biskuit, tapi bagian dalemnya kayak moist cupcake! Yum! Tapi emank ini paling enak dimakan langsung, karna klo disimpen bagian luarnya jadi gak renyah lagi ^^ Oh ya, dried cranberrynya jangan dicemilin kayak gw ya!

Friday, December 19, 2014

Simply Pretzels! [Part 2]

(click here for the english version of this post)

Manggangnya gw bagi jadi 3 ronde. Gw pake loyang ukuran 35x35 cm, 1 ronde 2 pretzel, tapi stelah dipikir2 lagi kyknya cukup deh buat 4 pretzel hahaha...

1st Batch: Original Salty Pretzels
Abis diolesin kuning telur, taburin coarse salt. Karna gw gak punya coarse salt jadi pake garem biasa ^^

Simply Pretzels! [Part 1]

(click here for the english version of this post)

Semua berawal dr gw yang lagi kerja freelance bareng kakak gw, dan kebetulan kt lg kerjain project di kantor yg bersebelahan dgn Lotte Shopping Avenue. Jadi emank biasanya kita kalo istirahat siang makan di kantin karyawan di basementnya Lotte, dan selalu ngelewatin toko2 yang bikin tergoda buat beli "cemilan sore" hehehe... Disitulah kita nemu toko Auntie Anne's Pretzel.

Sebenernya dari penampakannya sih gak terlalu keliatan enak bgt yah, biasa aja gt, tapi kata temen kakak gw yang udah lama kerja disitu sih enak & dia sering beli juga. Akhirnya gw coba lah si pretzel ini, yang pake topping keju. Dan ternyata bener, enak! gak kyk roti lembut yang sering gw makan, dia lebih ke chewy, gurih & rasanya pun agak lebih "kompleks". Yes, it's more than just a bread. Teksturnya & rasanya ini bikin kita pengen makan lg, kali ini gw beli yang rasa cinnamon sugar. Yum! Tapi, agak mahal juga ya , buat 1 pretzel ini harganya 13-16 ribu rupiah. Kakak gw tiba2 bilang, yuk coba bikin ini! Waktu itu sih gw emank lagi penasaran bikin roti, jadilah gw cari2 resep di internet & coba bikin :D

Thursday, December 18, 2014

The 1st Attempt on Key Lime Pie

Key lime pie... Another pie yang blom pernah gw makan krn gw blm perna nemu ini dijual di indo. Tapi kalo lo suka nonton acara kompetisi masak kyk Masterchef, atau sekedar nontonin food vlog di youtube, lo akan lumayan sering liat ni pie. dan pada bilang sih enak bgt! gw udah lumayan lama penasaran sm ni pie, apalagi gw emank suka asem.
Dan ternyata lumayan simpel, buat fillingnya sendiri cuman pake 3 bahan yaitu telur, jeruk nipis & susu kental manis. 

Friday, December 12, 2014

[ENG] Japanese Curry Bread - Kare Pan カレーパン Madness Part 3 [end] : All the details

The effect of temperature...?
Before i finally tried making my 1st ever bread, i got a little bit "paranoid" that i might fail. miserably. even though it's fine to fail when it's your first time doing something. 

So i read lots of article online about baking bread, and found out that the temperature of the dough & the place that you rise them will affect the end product. If it's too hot, the dough may not rise correctly, or you may "overproof" it. And the weather is quite hot in here, because i'm living in a tropical country. and since i don't have air conditioner in my kitchen,the easiest way is to control the water temperature.

Some articles worth reading:
Weekend Bakery - Baking Tips: Dough Mixing
Weekend Bakery - Tips on Dough Temperature
Wildyeastblog - Why Worry About Water

Thursday, December 4, 2014

[ENG] Japanese Curry Bread - Kare Pan カレーパン Madness Part 2 : The Bread

Finally, i'm making a bread! :D So, i've been wanting to try making a bread since long, but just didn't have enough confidence to do it. I've looked to many different video recipes online, but most of them use stand mixer T_T which i dont have. 

please buy me one of these thing  :33

so, i searched for a really basic, hand knead recipe for my first trial. and i stumbled upon this video on youtube Ochikeron - Yaki Kare Pan. pretty interesting! i love curry and the good thing about this bread is you can just fry them, so u don't need an oven!

Monday, December 1, 2014

[ENG] Japanese Curry Bread - Kare Pan カレーパン Madness Part 1 : The Curry

this is the english version of my Japanese Curry Bread - Kare Pan Recipe

i loveee curry. indonesian curry, indian curry, japanese curry, you name it, i love them all. this japanese curry, also known as kare, is imo the most different from all other curry, it's thicker, sweeter, and not that much spice as you can taste in the indian or indonesian curry. you can eat it not only with rice, in japan there are kare udon & kare pan, the curry bread! ("pan" means bread in japanese) i also lovee this kare pan, it's a little bit different with the kare that you eat with rice, it's more spiced with the curry powder & thicker, but of course it's as delicious (if not better) as the usual kare =)

Japanese Curry Bread - Kare Pan カレーパン Madness Part 3 [end] : All the details

(Click here for the English version of this post)

Efek suhu...?
Sebelum akhirnya gw mencoba bikin nih roti, gw parno bgtt takut gagal, udah bikin cape2 kan maless kalo gagal hehe... mulai deh gw browsing2 buat cari tips2 bikin roti buat pemula. Dan setelah gw baca2, katanya sih klo temperatur tuh ngaruh banget buat bikin roti, kalo kepanasan bisa gak ngembang dgn bener, begitu jg klo terlalu dingin. Nah,, kalo temperatur ruangan, susah kan bwt ngakalinnya, kecuali lo ada ac di dapur. jadi katanya yg paling gampang adlh ngakalin suhu air yg lo pake buat bikin adonan rotinya. 
Nih bbrp artikel worth reading:
Weekend Bakery - Baking Tips: Dough Mixing
Weekend Bakery - Tips on Dough Temperature
Wildyeastblog - Why Worry About Water